If you are anything like me, sometimes you lose track of the beautiful things that happened in the midst of the tragic things. 2021 offered so much beauty in the midst of loss and pain.

Sometimes the way you look at your life is based on how you have always looked at your life and NOT how your life actually is right now. Although I got married over two years ago, part of me has held onto struggling single mom. And though I’ve outgrown my young professional status, there are times I still yearn for acceptance as a full-fledged colleague. This feeling lingers even though my younger colleagues are calling me Ma’am!

So I’m offering each of you one piece of coaching as you transition into 2022. Slough off the cocoon of your past and emerge as the new you.

You’ve been sitting with the changes you needed to make…alone at your home office keyboard or behind your mask as you move through your day.

You’ve had a ton of time to contemplate the person you want to be “when this is all over.”

2022 is an opportunity to walk in it.

Be it.

Embody it.

None of us are exactly the same as we were in January 2020 or January 2021.

We’ve grown.

Embrace the growth.



#CoachBrandi #HopeThisHelps

Join me for my next free class: Healing Invisible Scars



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